Why Does Outlook Start in Safe Mode? | Possible Causes and Solutions

Outlook is a powerful email client that allows users to manage their emails, contacts, calendars, and tasks efficiently. However, at times, you may encounter issues where Outlook start in Safe Mode. This is an indication that the program is encountering problems and has to run in a reduced functionality mode. In this article, we will explore the possible causes of this issue and effective solutions to resolve it.

Why Does Outlook Start in Safe Mode

Possible Causes of Outlook Starting in Safe Mode

There can be several reasons why Outlook starts in Safe Mode. Some of the most common ones are:

Corrupted Add-ins: Add-ins are third-party applications that integrate with Outlook to provide additional features and functionality. However, if any of these add-ins are corrupted or incompatible with your current version of Outlook, it can cause the program to start in Safe Mode.

Corrupted Outlook Profile: Outlook stores all your email settings, preferences, and data in a profile. If this profile becomes corrupted due to a system crash, power outage, or other reasons, it can cause Outlook to start in Safe Mode.

Startup Issues: If any of the startup files that Outlook needs to run are missing, damaged, or corrupted, it can cause the program to start in Safe Mode.

Virus or Malware Infection: A virus or malware infection can damage or corrupt the Outlook files, causing it to start in Safe Mode.

Effective Solutions to Resolve Outlook Starting in Safe Mode

Now that we know the possible causes of Outlook starting in Safe Mode let's explore some effective solutions to troubleshoot this problem.

Disable Add-ins: To check if add-ins are causing the issue, you can start Outlook in Safe Mode manually by pressing the Ctrl key while clicking on the Outlook icon. If the program opens without any issues, then it is likely that an add-in is causing the problem. You can disable the add-ins one by one and restart Outlook to find the one that is causing the problem.

Create a New Outlook Profile: If the issue persists, you can try creating a new Outlook profile to replace the corrupted one. To do this, open the Control Panel, click on Mail, and then click on Show Profiles. Select the option to create a new profile, and then follow the on-screen instructions to set up your email account.

Repair Outlook: You can also try repairing Outlook to fix any startup issues or corrupted files. To do this, open the Control Panel, click on Programs and Features, and then select Microsoft Office from the list of installed programs. Click on Change, and then select the option to repair Office.

Scan for Viruses and Malware: If you suspect that a virus or malware infection is causing the issue, you should run a full system scan using your preferred antivirus software. You can also use Microsoft's built-in Windows Defender Antivirus to scan your system for malware.

Disable Hardware Acceleration: If none of the above solutions work, you can try disabling hardware acceleration in Outlook. To do this, open Outlook in Safe Mode and then click on File > Options > Advanced. Scroll down to the Display section and then unchecked the option to "Disable hardware graphics acceleration." Restart Outlook to see if the problem is resolved.


Outlook starting in Safe Mode can be a frustrating issue that can affect your productivity. However, by understanding the possible causes and implementing the effective solutions outlined in this article, you can troubleshoot and fix the problem. Remember to always keep your Outlook updated and run regular antivirus scans to prevent any issues from arising in the future.


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